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What is the Education Exchange?

The Education Exchange is a place where people can come together and exchange effective school improvement strategies. It is a collection of highly successful educators that are invested in improving outcomes and opportunities for all students. It unites educators in sustainable professional friendships, ensuring all children can enjoy success irrespective of their starting points.

Developing professional learning communities appears to hold considerable promise for capacity building for sustainable improvement. 

(Stoll et al, 2006)

The Education Exchange Alliance:

  • Improves inclusion and drives social mobility by transforming outcomes, especially for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.
  • Places collaboration before competition, working openly with those who are keen to offer support, and those who are keen to receive it.
  • Contributes expertise and mobilises resources to improve education together.
  • Focuses on what works in schools, and what is proven to be effective.
  • Shows respect for context as different schools often face different challenges.
  • Gives, accepts and reflects on feedback to drive continuous improvement.
  • Addresses the lack of aspiration, recognising that economic future prosperity is inextricably linked to the quality of education.